Monday, February 20, 2012

Porsche 911 Owner Drives Straight into Wet Concrete

Can it get more embarrassing than this? The answer is probably yes, but driving a relatively new Porsche 911 straight into a patch of fresh, wet cement isn't exactly something you'd like to share with the rest of the world.

Regrettably for the owner of the 911, we live in a high-tech world where everyone has some sort of filming device and at least one person filmed the aftermath when the road construction workers were trying to get him out of the sticky situation...

The incident occurred on Thursday morning on a San Francisco street that was been repaved at the time. We still don't know for sure how the driver ended up in the cement, but we reckon it won't be long before the full story comes out.

For the time being, head over the jump to watch the video.

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